Sunday, January 30, 2011

God is good. Always

**Money went through. After 4 days. Flight still reserved. Mom called me into the room and said she received the confirmation that the flight had been paid for. The price that we hoped for. God is good. Always. :)**

My Father is so good. Today has been such a beautiful, blessing of a day. Church was great. The weather was perfect. My God shined throughout everything. He really had me thinking about the Dominican today. I miss it so badly. The children were so beautiful. I want to cry because I miss them. I miss the land. I miss the love of Jesus that a small 4 year old had! I miss how the people were so welcoming. I miss how the children ran to us with loving arms, ready to be held and just loved on. I miss how they had so little materialistically but in reality, they had everything. They lived for the Lord. They had such tight-knit communities. They were simply lovely. They were content. They were happy. They were finding satisfaction in the things that mattered in life. They took care of one another. They acted as one big family. Why don't we have that here? Why is the United States not like other countries? Why do we live for the world? Why do we live to buy the biggest house and wear the newest clothing? Yes, the Lord blesses us with money and riches of all sorts. But how many of us put our faith in these riches? How many of us find our identity in things that will not last for ever? This summer I learned something very important. So many times we live like this:

Jesus + ______ = Satisfaction

I know I do this. I am at great fault. So many times I forget that my Savior, the One who died for me, someone He didn't even know, is all I need. That really, I should be living like this:

Jesus = Satisfaction

So many times I find myself living for the world. So many times I forget that Jesus is all I need! That my Father is soo great and that He is giving me a gift of satisfaction that will last for the rest of eternity. It's so crazy how this sounds so good, yet I can still forget it. Thankfully I am a sinner with an even greater Savior.

I pray that we can all realize just how much our Father loves us. That He gave His only son, for us. That He adopts us into the Kingdom. Adoption. We need Him. We need that love. We are nothing without Him.

I am trying to learn to love simplicity. It was easy in the Dominican. Here it is not. But why put my hope in that  of which will end instead of that of which will endure forever?

Father help me. Help us. Show us your ways. Teach us the way of life. Teach us to live for you alone. To glorify you. Let us walk in the ways of Jesus. 

33 days until Argentina!



 "Peace I leave with you; My peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives. Do not let your hearts be troubled and do not be afraid." John 14:27

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Up the Chain lift...

Like I said, the roller coaster adventure has begun. In terms of a roller coaster, the cart is initially pulled up the chain lift (most fundamental part of the ride), so that the cart can be released down the hill and accelerate through the course. Then you have all of the turns and loops, up-side-down moments, and possible "life-ending" scares (as I like to call them). Well, I am going up the hill right now. I got my check from Berry Tuesday and I deposited it into the bank. I searched for a few hours on airfare. I finally found a fairly cheap flight in comparison to others. We were not sure if the money would appear in full that night or not so I went ahead and booked it. Unfortunately the money did not go through. However, praise the Lord, the airline is still reserving my flight. We found out from the bank that the money would be posted by 12 o'clock last night. So, around 12:15 I called the airlines to see if it had been posted and to our dismay, it had not. The airline told me that they would hold my seat until this morning. Praise Him for their understanding. It is 10:37 a.m. and the bank has still not put the entire check into our bank account. I went to bed last night praising the Lord for His goodness. I know this is all in His beautiful hands and that He will not give us something we cannot handle.

Third Day "Your Love oh Lord (Psalm 36)
"I will life my voice to worship you my King! I will find my strength in the shadow of your wings. Your love reaches to the Heavens. Your faithfulness stretches to the skies!" 

This morning I woke up knowing that I needed to put some hardcore prayer into practice. Prayer moves mountains ya know? I found these three scriptures that have brought so much comfort to me during this time of affliction.

Jeremiah 29:11 "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future."

Ephesians 6:10-11 "Finally, be strong in the Lord and in the strength of His might. Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil."

Hebrews 13:5 "I will NEVER leave you nor forsake you."

God has his hand on this. I know it. I used to be the type of person that would freak out and worry about the smallest trial in life. Now that I have Father, I am so much more understanding and patient with the trials He gives me. I live for Him. For His Kingdom. I live in this world, but not of it. At least I try to. But I am still a great sinner and I  still need an even greater Savior. 

I will keep you updated on how the flight goes. Please pray that I can get it. If not, the price of another flight will be extremely high and as we all know, money is hard to come by now a days. Pray for understanding on my part. 

Be Blessed,


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Para Empezar (To Begin)

So, I created this blog for all of you stalkers. Now that I think about it, I may not have any. :( But I will keep up with this just to make myself feel better. :) I decided that I should make a blog for a few reasons. First, I leave March 4th for Argentina! I will be studying at the University of Belgrano until June 25th! So, since I will not be able to text everyone all of the time, or call my family constantly, I figured this will do. Secondly, the Lord has already made this past month quite adventurous and if it is this crazy already, I assume that much more craziness awaits me! So, I want to share how the Lord uses all of my experiences to be the Hero at the end of the day and  steal my heart once again.

For starters, before school ended, I found out that Berry was going to credit me 2000 green ones! Yeah buddy! I was depending on this money to buy my plane ticket. Then, I call Berry last week to see when I will receive my check and they told me that I would only be receiving $600!!! I began praying, knowing that the Lord was in control and He would take care of this dilemma. But as the days went on, I became extremely apprehensive and started losing faith in the Lord. :( How easily I fall. Then, I received a call from Berry yesterday and found out that I would be receiving the full amount that I was promised! Yay! I actually just booked my flight tonight! Once again He came to the rescue. Is it love? I believe so. <3

If they still need the assistance, I am also going to be teaching children english at an orphanage in Buenos Aires. Please pray that the Lord blesses me with this opportunity! As some of you may know, I visited the Dominican Republic in December on a missions trip and fell in love! It was not just an experience; it was life changing. The Lord worked in incredible ways and He used my team to share the Gospel and pour out His love on others. The children were so beautiful and they loved Jesus! From going to the Dominican, I realized how much my heart loves children so teaching english to the children in Buenos Aires would be something that I would cherish forever.

I have to get off now, :( but please stay connected with me through these blogs and I will be updating you all on this trip as often possible!

I love you all very much and I hope that you will be praying that the Lord uses me in Argentina and that He reaches the Argentine community!!

besos (kisses), Rach