Sunday, May 1, 2011

Father is bigger than this and with that I place my faith..

Well, I am really not doing a great job at updating this. So, for anyone that has been asking where my blog is, I am extremely sorry for the delay.

So much has happened in the past month. I visited Rosario. It is one of the other major cities in Argentina. The lifestyle there is much calmer and the people are extremely friendly. We went to a "dancing water show" and got the opportunity to paddle in the little boats around the lake. We went to Iguazu Falls. I was in awe of the Lord's beauty as I watched the water fall down some of the biggest falls in the world. I got to see Brazil grass and Asuncion, Paragauy; the only thing separating me from entering these two amazing countries was a river and a visa. I went to a place called Misiones, the ruins of the first missionaries in Argentina. We went to a village in which the people speak Guarani and lived in the jungle. Reminded me of the Dominican.. The simplicity of the people. Oh, and I got my camera stolen as I was taking a picture; yeah, right out of my hands. But it's okay. "We can't take it to Heaven right?" -Melissa Edwards

Yesterday, I went to an orphanage. This is the same one that I was in contact with before I left to come here. Gosh. I felt so helpless. On the way to the orphanage, I spoke with two girls that had been going on a regular basis to play with the children. They told me that it was not what I was expecting. And they were right. When we got to the orphanage we toured to see all of the rooms. The kitchen stove was on, without supervision, to heat the house; the flames were extremely high and  I was worried that the children were going to touch them. There was a "living room" with a table, a mattress, and a television. There was one room for boys that consisted of around eight bunk beds. I felt like I was in the jungle when I entered the room because the boys were swinging from bed to bed, throwing things on the ground and yelling. There were two rooms for girls. It was all so dark. It had a strong odor. The floors were terribly dirty. They had hardly any toys. There were around 25 to 30 children in the orphanage and only two women taking care of them, sometimes only one woman at a time. The youngest child was a new baby girl named Camila, four months old, that they had received two weeks earlier. Camila was sitting in a stroller and as I sat down to play with her, she seemed like the happiest baby in the world. Her smile was gorgeous and she was content just looking in your eyes. She was content knowing that you were looking at her. Her clothes were probably for a one year old baby. Her diapers were most like three sizes too big. Then there were the other children. There was a two year old boy walking around with sweat pants that were most likely for a four year old. There was a two year old girl named Mili (Milagro) which means "miracle". She had the most angelic face and the prettiest eyes. She would not say a word to me but she would raise her hands to be held. There was a fourteen year old boy named Carlos who was playing with a wheel to a bike and was so intrigued by the feeling it gave when you held it in your hands and spinned it. There was a gorgeous twenty year old girl named Ana that I am going to get the opportunity to teach English, in hopes of learning more Spanish as well. She has been given the opportunity to go to Canada for two weeks through the sponsorship of a family. However, this is the only sponsorship or area in which I heard of the orphanage receiving money. I asked the two ladies in charge what they needed the most and they said diapers first and then whatever else possible next. This orphanage needs more than diapers. They need food, more workers, more toys, new beds, another bathroom (there was only one), and a heating system. They need love. I am so overwhelmed at this point. I am distraught that I have been in Argentina for two months and I am now getting the chance to actually visit the orphanage. I am sad that I am not wealthy and cannot just go to the store and buy an abundance of diapers and food that I can just give them. I am sad that I cannot be there to help the women and provide an extra set of hands to hold the children when they cry. I am sad that I cannot buy the children warm clothing for this fall. However, I know that Father doesn't lack what I lack. I know that Father can do all of this when I cannot. I am determined to help out in some way. I ask that you all pray for these beautiful children. I ask that you pray that Christ be the center of their hearts and that they receive love that they have never received before. I ask that you pray for donors to have these children put on their hearts so that they desire to give and give and give. I ask that you pray for this community and open up its eyes to the reality of what is going on. I ask that you provide doors for me to meet new people and share these children with them in the hopes of more support. Father is so much bigger than this, and with that statement I place my faith.

I promise that I will update this soon. Thank you so much for your prayers and love. I miss you all so much and I am excited to see you in July! :) Besos!

P.S. The pictures that are on here are from my friend Olivia's album. She lives here in Argentina and was visiting the orphanage yesterday when we went!

1 comment:

  1. It was difficult being there but I am so happy we went!
