Tuesday, March 22, 2011

a beautiful land, a beautiful get away..

I am finally updating about Argentina, after a delayed two weeks! But I guess its okay because I only have one follower, myself (wanted to feel better because noone was following me) so all is well. :)

Argentina. It is hard to find words right now. In two weeks, I have went through all of the orientations (our program, the university, city tours), all of the good stuff, and I have been able to learn so much about the country. We have already had two excursions: sightseeing via boat on the Tigre River and a Dia del Campo. I have layed on the beach and I have watched Argentine gauchos ride horses and compete for a kiss from the woman in the audience. I have been told that I am the love of this strangers life while walking down the street and have been asked for a kiss by a 50 year old man. I have tried  this blood and meat concoction (yuck) and enjoyed the most succelent peach that I have ever tasted in my life. I have danced the Tango. I now pronounce "ella" (she/her) as "essha" and pollo (chicken) as "poysho". I have visited the Japanese gardens. I have had some of the best coffee in the world. I have seen a huge protest in the streets in which the protesters were spraypainting store windows. And I have met an amazing group of friends that I can say are truly a blessing from the Lord. I can also say that my homestay family could not be any better.

Life here is extremely different. I had no clue how big Buenos Aires would be. They call it that "France of South America". Military time. Everyone is late. Food is different. Exchange rate is 4 to 1 and I still feel like I am spending so much money (May be a good thing, to help me budget)! Everyone depends on others for transportation: colectivo/bus, tren/train, subte/subway/, taxi. We walk, everwhere! Dinner is after 9 p.m.! Everyone is skinny. Dogs are everywhere, as well as their little "leavings". Weather is beautiful. Clubs open at 3 a.m. and people get home at 8 a.m.. We signed up for classes the day they started! People line the sidewalks with their bootleg movies. There are McDonalds on almost every corner. There is no pedestrian right-of-way. Change or monedas here are almost divine because they are used for all transporation whereas in the States we hate change. Its just crazy, but good crazy.

I love it. And I can only imagine how much better it will be as the weeks go on. The body is not big here. It is a challenge. But Father is bringing me closer to Him each and every day. I have been challenged on my beliefs by some of my friends and I can say that I am learning so much more than I expected. At my homestay, I have a sweet and encouraging housekeeper, named Paola, who loves the Lord and has been a great comfort. I have found  a church that I will attend this Sunday and I am extremely excited for this. Unfortunatly, the orphanage that I was in contact with and have mentioned in earlier posts is somewhat far away and I am not sure how much I will be able to be of assistance. However, I am looking up other places of need in the area and hopefully will be able to find something soon.

This weekend I am going to explore more of Buenos Aires with Paola and hopefully start on a project! You will see pictures soon!

I miss you all and I am sad that I cannot talk to you more often. But Father has brought me here for so many reasons. Its so amazing. He is working. Even if it doesn't always seem like it. Pray for the people. Pray that He uses me to just love them. Pray that He guides me as I make huge upcoming decisions ;).

I love you all! And I will update this soon!
