Thursday, February 24, 2011

Una Semana Mas..

I officially have one week until I leave for the beautiful land of Argentina. I have spent the past two days stalking the airline websites trying to see if the baggage restrictions have changed. Unfortunately, the airline does not realize that I will be living in Argentina for 4 months and I may need more than two suitcases weighing 50 lbs. in total to get me by. :( But as I was going through out the day and remembering the Dominican, I recollected on how happy the Dominicans were surviving solely on necessities in life. I remembered how I felt when my mom took me to IKEA right after I got back into Atlanta and how I grew sick looking at all of the appliances that IKEA had just for a bathroom! I remembered how I was content living off of the few shirts and shorts that we could take for our trip to La Republica. I remembered that I wasn't living for this life, and that what would fit in two 25 lbs. suitcases would be more than enough for me. Praise the Lord because now I will not be freaking out once I start getting my suitcases together!
Besides worrying about packing, I have really been thinking about my family. I love them so dearly. I know that I will only be gone four months, but it always makes me sad to say goodbye. When they dropped me off for college, which is 45 minutes away from home, I cried like a baby. Both years! When I left for the Dominican, I tried with all of my might to hold back tears as I hugged my mommy goodbye. I was playing with my baby brother Aidan today and I told him I was leaving soon and I started crying! Yeah, I am emotional at times. But I am blessed that Father has given me tears to cry. He has given me such a love for my family and he has shown me the importance of a family. So when I start bawling after I hug my mommy goodbye Friday at the airport, I know that Father will be with me reminding me of how much He has blessed me with such a beautiful, loving family and I will not be embarrassed at all of the people who stare at me. :) [Lets hope not] 

I am super excited for this opportunity that Father has blessed me with in Argentina. I ask that you pray for confidence on my trip and boldness on sharing my faith. I ask that you pray that He uses me as a light to love on people. I ask that you pray for success in regards to my education in Buenos Aires. I ask that you pray for Argentina. I will update this once more before I leave! 

Remember how much Father loves us. 

Romans 8:38-39 "For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."